Monday, September 18, 2006

Who deserves what?

Ethics is an extremely complicated and controversial topic. The widespread yet diverse beliefs regarding what is wrong or right in a particular situation pose several moral dilemmas both large and small.

For those who follow the Sa Re Ga Ma Little Champs Reality Show, I wish to pose a moral dilemma.

Just recently the judges decided to give another chance to the previously eliminated kids. One of them will be brought back into the running for the 15 lakh scholarship, based on public demand. Both my parents expressed their wish of seeing Diwakar(the unfortunately blind kid from Delhi) return.

However, it is evident that he doesnt sing as well as some of the other kids he is running against, but my parents believe that he needs the scholarship and the future career opportunity more than any of the other kids.

I see what they mean but I wonder if that is a valid reason to give him an unfair advantage over the others. Logically speaking, it would make sense to expect the kid with the greatest merit to be brought back, because he/she deserves it more than Diwakar.

Now, I am not exactly a cold hearted person who doesn't sympathise with Diwakar. On the contrary, I would be really happy to see him being given another chance.

Nevertheless, the introduction of the subject ethics and values into my life, through my university courses has taught me to look at things from different perspectives. Hence, I bring into light this dilemma of mine after putting aside my own biases and preference.

So, the question I pose is: should Diwakar be given another chance just because of his physical diability? Is it ethically right to give him an unfair advantage over the others?

For those who would say that Diwakar doesnt DESERVE the unfair advantage, I would like to ask another conflicting question of whether Diwakar deserved to be blind in the first place?

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