Monday, September 04, 2006

Pair of Wings

Attach to your heart a pair of wings,
let it fly, let it sing,
as it soars through the sky,
shed all inhibhitions and cease to be shy.

Attach to you heart a pair of wings,
let go of your past, let it not cling,
then all unpleasant memories will never return,
a bright promising future will be rewarded in turn.

Attach to your heart a pair of wings,
expand your horizons from within the enclosed ring,
learn to accept the truth, yet never resign to fate,
attempt to realise all your dreams because its never too late.

Attach to your heart a pair of wings,
observe everyday the sun shining,
with every storm, with every rain,
learn to grow stronger, learn to endure pain.

Understand that it is only through a lightened heart,
can one hope of making a truly new start,
so attach to your heart a pair of wings,
set it free; let it fly, let it sing...

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