Thursday, November 23, 2006

Pleasant Acquaintance

People enter your life for a reason. The reason may be unknown to both, but I believe that everything is planned down to the dot.

It’s weird how out of all the people you meet in life, some people fail to make any impact on you and how in the other extreme some leave an everlasting impact.

Why this difference, I don’t know. But today I have been touched, touched very deeply by someone.

I am not sure if this is a one off thing or if anything will ever become of it. However, it has somehow changed who I am, and what I am capable of being.

Today, a new light has been lit within me. How long it will last I do not know. But, I shall follow it to wherever it takes me, for as long as it guides me and hope for the best.

This new perception of life has left me in a state where words are failing me, and emotions are unlimited. I just hope that this magic never wears off or even better that it is augmented by subsequent meetings.

Saturday, November 11, 2006


"A man's identity is not best thought of as the way in which he is separated from his fellows but the way in which he is united with them."

People are meant to have certain characteristics that define their identity. I personally believe that if you care for a person, befriend a person, commit to a person or for that fact even emotionally relate to a person it is because of who that person is when you form a bond with them.

Having said this, what I fail to understand is why some people try to change others for their own benefits or according to their likes. I feel that if you connect with a person and decide upon befriending them or taking it to the next level, then it is your responsibility to accept that person for who he/she is and just as he/she is.

It is no wonder that there are an increasing number of broken relationships these days. I believe it is purely because of the demands placed by one person on another to change. It is quite obvious that after changing a person you may not share the same bond with them because they are no longer the person you identified with in the first place.

I do realize that this has exceptions. Sometime some people have some compulsive behavior problems or habits. In that case it becomes the moral duty of the friends or significant others to try and help that person to improve themselves instead of leaving them altogether. Moreover, a universal fact remains that nobody is perfect and that everyone has his/her flaws. Hence, what is important is not assessing a person on their flaws but their qualities.

In the end, the basic fact I wish to elude to is that before emotionally attaching yourself to a person be sure that you know about both their good points and bad, and once you commit either in terms of a friend or a partner then it is that your job to be with them through thick and thin.

It is said that, "every man is the architect of his own character", thus attempting to change a person for personal self interest or satisfaction takes away that person's right to be who they are meant to be.


I fail to understand why people are so judgmental of others. With every glance we throw at a person, we form impressions of them at a subconscious level.

I have never believed in the saying that first impressions are the last impressions, simply I because I can personally never be characterized by this widely held belief and thus I am aware that for others this may be the same. However, sometimes first impression is all you’ve got because you don’t always have the time to clear people's incorrect impressions of you.

I have always tried to give individuals a chance to convey to me who they are, yet when it comes to me I have always found myself a prey of misconceptions.

The confidence with which I carry myself is seen as arrogance, whereas all I am doing is trying to hide all the insecurities within me and bring out my best. My silence is also mistaken as my egotism. People fail to recognize the reserved side of me and force opinions without giving me a chance.

I wonder how many people realize how hard it can be for some people to live their life like an open book. For some people bottling up is the only option and not everyone has the capability to exude warmth during the very first interaction. This by no means signifies that a person is incapable of being friendly.

I do realize that perhaps the problem lies within my inability to express myself accurately but, nonetheless, it would be comforting if at least one person could reach out and make an attempt to judge me based on not who I seem to be but who I am.